Day 20- Kansas

Day 20: Kansas 

Hello from, it’s the Grumpys here and we are blogging. This is Aaron Williams (Narrator), Patrick (Patty Daddy) O’Sullivan, Josiah Lester (The Pit Viper), Maggie (The Braggie) Black, Audrey Painter (The Crawdaddy Kidnapper), Quinn (Nice Shin) Moegling, Madelynn ( Hutson, Kara (Marinara) Dugan, Meredith (Don’t Careth) (Editor) Harris, and Addie (The Wingman) Dingman. 
 We would like to share our wonderful and exciting day of driving through corn, wheat, and oil rigs. This was the most jam-packed day of TWB (Insert the pictures of sleeping people).  Goodbye.
Just kidding, we are not done. 
Our day started at 7 am to the wonderful singer that is named Dallas. She sang us a beautiful, amazing remix of a good morning song. It was not good. We hated it. After this, we packed our stuff and walked down the staircase to see our wonderful counselor KS to say good morning. Reminiscing about the group showers last night the guys loaded the bus as one. Randy took us all the way down to Wally World 10 minutes away. The cooks acquired our tasty food, which was breakfast and lunch for day 20. For breakfast we had some tasteless synonym (cinnamon) rolls with cereal and milk. After it settled in our tummies, William Caleb Puckett played a game. The game was a guess who of anonymous fun facts about TWBers. This girl named Addie Dingman accidentally killed her class guinea pig on Thanksgiving. Next, we finished Cars… kachow, and Rocky… the movie. There was some tarp talk throughout the bus, which is bus talk. 
  For our yummy lunch, we had pizza rolls on tortillas. EW. But, we ate them. To conclude our fun time on the bus, we held our annual Kansas karaoke event. John Hunter the Plaster Master opened us up with “Baby…” and our counselor Brice “The Batman” Wayne with “…its cold outside”.  Mr. Grant “Brad Pitt” Deaton closed with a wonderful rendition of Dead Puppies. Not sure where he found those but ok. Thank you, Grant. 
We got treated to a nice pit stop at an oil rig. Very cool. Nice View. Made Kansas worth it. So thankful. The counselors tricked us at the oil rig. They closed the doors to the bus and van AND drove off. How fun. Just kidding guys, it was JUST a prank. The funny part is most of us did not fall for it. They let us back on, but we were not happy campers. To get back at them, we slept even more. Jokes on them though, our dreams were us pranking them back and throwing corn at them. We went to 2 Wally Worlds today, that’s a treat if I’ve ever seen one. (Two Walmarts because Kansas is so fun.) At our second Wally World, it had a Subway to get a sandwich. The cooks bought dinner and went WAY over budget. Couldn’t be us. To continue our eventful day, we journeyed to our campsite through the harsh environment, which is Kansas. At the campsite, the cooks made a wonderful din-din of nachos. Some of us took showers and we all camped underneath the Kansas stars.
Kachow… ;). The Grumpys

Blogging was going great as Aaron was typing up a masterpiece

Sneezys made a great dinner but it's nachos.

Hunter the Plaster Master and Will Puckett twinning

pose pose, photoshoot, pose.

cheese :| !!??

Josiah Lester, the karaoke king

A beautiful rendition of Shakira by Ryan Joyce and Rocco Pavone

Sally Bumgarner and Ashton Layh blessing us with "All Too Well" by Taylor Swift

Group picture at the fan-favorite oil rig

this is awesome oil.


No place we'd rather be!

I l"ike" this pic

Waka waka aye aye!

lights camera kansas

slay bird slay.

Go Wolfpack!


Spot the difference

heyyyyy, my boy.

Thumbs up for Kansas rest stop

Twining with the wildlife here in Kansas

Socks and Chacos

Family picture with Amy Baker and Grace Corripio

Fun fact: Our bus driver, Randy, played the Wicked Witch of the West when he was in 8th grade